Aug 31, 2009
Jai Hind!!
Aug 25, 2009
Traffic Jam in my lane
The argument was between two of my neighbours, actually tenants of my neighbours, who were fighting over a place to park their car. Tenant A used to park his car right in front of his house while Tenant B a little away from his place. What happened today was another car was parked in front of Tenant B’s car space and he parked his car at Tenant A’s car space. So, Tenant A asked B to get his car parked at some other place and this is where the arguments began.
I could not stop myself from just being a spectator and I knew Tenant A was a good guy, so I intervened to my Mother’s surprise, who later scolded me. When I went into the battle field, there was A and his father & B and his wife. I asked A to somehow park his car anywhere today and leave the rest for tomorrow, but he was not in a mood to relent. In a matter of time both parties started explaining their side of stories to me as if I was a judge, and even if I was a judge, I wonder whether they would honour my decision.
As the arguments began to get more and more heated, I tried to explain both the parties that fighting would just mean time waste for both of them, and if A wants, I park my car elsewhere and he can park his car in front of my house. But, it was now a matter of self esteem and not over parking of car. Then B said something which turned around the whole story and I had to take a side. B said “In his span of 3 years stay in Switzerland, he never ever faced this situation and it is here only that the problem exists, and he had to do whatever he does (Survival of the fittest theory)”.
I was quick to say “If you are having so much problem here in India then why don’t you go back and stay forever in Switzerland”, to which A said “Good point”. And I came to my place asking A that there is no point talking to B. Now, as I re look into the matter, A and B both were fighting and the one who parked his car was having a sound sleep at his place. In the meantime, B said that the one who parked his car in B’s place was reluctant to remove his car.
Now, why (for God's sake) did I write all this? How does it affect you in any way?
Well, this is going to be a problem in every society where there is a middle income group growing each passing day and buying 4 wheelers. In a city like Gurgaon, where lot of people come in search of work is exploding with such examples. In some cases the Resident’s Welfare Association (RWA) take care of this, but there are place like ours where RWAs are ineffective.
I know this more of a case study. I will appreciate your inputs. And yes, I am planning to apologise B for my outrageous act (after all I am no one to suggest whether a person should stay In India or leave for a foreign nation) but maintain my stand that he should not have parked his car A’s place.
Aug 22, 2009
The truth behind Lockerbie Bombing
Hi everyone! So, here I am again to put in my inputs on BREAKING news on all news channels across the world. But before I go on, I would plead Mr. SRK to try not to bring a bad name to my country anymore. See this video to know more. If he does not like being frisked, I suggest him avoiding USA rather than calling media and saying “Its not a big deal”.
The news I am talking about is doing the rounds all over since a week but Indian newspapers will bring it up today only. The story goes back to December 1988, when a plane crashed mid air on its way to US from England killing 270 people. It is considered to be the worst ever terrorist activity on England’s soil till date in which the prime targets were 189 American citizens.
The mishap took place in the skies of a small town called Lockerbie in Scotland, hence the name Lockerbie Bombing. The accusation for the bombing fell upon a Libyan intelligence officer named Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi and Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah, former station manager for Libyan Arab Airlines. While the later was found not guilty and acquitted, Megrahi was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2001.
Now, what actually seemed to happen was this. US of A, taking its responsibility as the Big Brother of the weaker nations, was trying to establish its base in Libya in 70s and 80s owing to its oil reserves. The Libyans didn’t relent and had to face a series of military confrontations which led to killings of hundreds of innocent Libyans. As the investigations began after the crash, the Libya was considered to have played a major role in it. So, US and UN as always put sanctions on Libya and isolated it from the rest of the world.
Libya, unlike Cuba, had to relent this time and in 2003 accepted its role in the bombing. This brought the two nations, USA and Libya close and enough opportunity for US to exploits Libya’s oil resources.
Suffering from terminal prostate cancer, with less than three months to live, Megrahi was freed on compassionate grounds by the Scottish Government on 20 August 2009. But, many people in Britain believe that he is innocent as lately a main witness while dying admitted that he lied in the court and that he was offered money to do so. Another very important witness testified against Megrahi which too seems to be a distorted statement.
There seem to be only three scenarios in this:
· USA, in its yearn for Libya’s oil resources, plotted the bombing
· Some terrorist organisation of Libya is to be blamed to carry out the attack as a mode of revenge against brutalities by US Military
· Third party terrorist outfit carrying out the bombing, again to take the revenge against USA
In any of these scenarios, two things are firm and clear, Megrahi has been made a scapegoat and the other is that USA, for the sake of power and glory, has been doing inhuman activities all over and creating many more terrorists as days pass.
As expected, the Indian media too published the one sided story.
Though the deductions are on my own, I have referred to this link for the details.
Shubho bidai as they say in Bengali.
Aug 19, 2009
Welcome to my World !!
वंदे मातरम्!!
Hi Guys! This is my very first blog and I am quite nervous as I write these words.
First of all, I would like to thank Tambi, the follower of my blog since the time I didn’t even start blogging. The credit of my blogging initiative goes to my brother who inspired me to take it on to improve my writing skills.
Now, coming back to the topic, I assure you that my blogs would be interesting enough to be read without a break because I am here to criticise, to appreciate, to advice & to raise the voice through the art of words.
I am here to speak my mind out and write which we can’t even think of doing in our daily life. I know I am going to hurt a lot of people’s sentiments, but I will write will be truth and not before I invest my time to research on the topic.
People who already know me would have understood by now what I am talking about and for the rest of you, it won’t take much time to know that. I don’t know when exactly will be writing my first real experience of life, but when it comes, I promise I will live upto the faith you guys have in me.
I am here to ease out my frustration on everything wrong that has been going around, be it corruption, inequality or exploitation. I will raising my voice against the concerned authorities, the media hype, economic issues, America’s brutality, Korea's arsenal, Kashmir’s truth, Gandhi’s lies and so on in my blogs.
I will fight for my country’s welfare, though many say its a waste of time, but what I want is to make an effort instead of being a mere spectator. I will speak out my words for I want to ease my anger from my heart, as no longer can I tolerate all this happening around me. So, why do I choose blogging as a medium for this? That’s because its just a start, and I will fine tune all my mistakes in this first step in order to excel in future.
To end my first blog, I would thank my motherland India for whatever I learned here. I would be thankful to you guys if you give the feedback on a regular basis either here or mail your feedback.
Sayonara till my next blog!!